Kate, Zaverucha and Goldberg introduced a constant-sized polynomial commitment scheme in 20101. We refer to this scheme as KZG and quickly introduce it below.
- Cyclic groups of prime order and finite fields $\Zp$
- Pairings (or bilinear maps)
- Polynomials
Trusted setup
To commit to degree $\le \ell$ polynomials, need $\ell$-SDH public parameters: \((g,g^\tau,g^{\tau^2},\dots,g^{\tau^\ell}) = (g^{\tau^i})_{i\in[0,\ell]}\)
Here, $\tau$ is called the trapdoor. These parameters should be generated via a distributed protocol2$^,$3$^,$4 that outputs just the $g^{\tau^i}$’s and forgets the trapdoor $\tau$.
The public parameters are updatable: given $g^{\tau^i}$’s, anyone can update them to $g^{\alpha^i}$’s where $\alpha = \tau \Delta$ by picking a random $\Delta$ and computing: \(g^{\alpha^i} = \left(g^{\tau^i}\right)^{\Delta^i}\)
This is useful when you want to safely re-use a pre-generated set of public parameters, without trusting that nobody knows the trapdoor.
Commitment to $\phi(X)=\sum_{i\in[0,d]} \phi_i X^i$ is $c=g^{\phi(\tau)}$ computed as:
\[c=\prod_{i\in[0,\deg{\phi}]} \left(g^{\tau^i}\right)^{\phi_i}\]Since it is just one group element, the commitment is constant-sized.
Evaluation proofs
To prove an evaluation $\phi(a) = y$, a quotient polynomial is computed in $O(d)$ time:
\[q(X) = \frac{\phi(X) - y}{X - a}\]Then, the constant-sized evaluation proof is:
\[\pi = g^{q(\tau)}\]Note that this leverages the polynomial remainder theorem.
Verifying an evaluation proof
A verifier who has the commitment $c=g^{\phi(\tau)}$, the evaluation $y=\phi(a)$ and the proof $\pi=g^{q(\tau)}$ can verify the evaluation in constant-time using two pairings:
e(c / g^y, g) &= e(\pi, g^\tau / g^a) \Leftrightarrow\\
e(g^{\phi(\tau)-y}, g) &= e(g^{q(\tau)}, g^{\tau-a}) \Leftrightarrow\\
e(g,g)^{\phi(\tau)-y} &= e(g,g)^{q(\tau)(\tau-a)}\\
\phi(\tau)-y &= q(\tau)(\tau-a)
This effectively checks that $q(X) = \frac{\phi(X) - y}{X-a}$ by checking this equality holds for $X=\tau$. In other words, it checks that the polynomial remainder theorem holds at $X=\tau$.
Batch proofs
One can prove multiple evaluations $(\phi(e_i) = y_i)_{i\in I}$ for arbitrary points $e_i$ using a constant-sized KZG batch proof $\pi_I = g^{q_I(\tau)}$, where:
q_I(X) &=\frac{\phi(X)-R_I(X)}{A_I(X)}\\
A_I(X) &=\prod_{i\in I} (X - e_i)\\
R_I(e_i) &= y_i,\forall i\in I\\
$R_I(X)$ can be interpolated via Lagrange interpolation in $O(\vert I\vert\log^2{\vert I\vert})$ time5 as:
\begin{align} R_I(X)=\sum_{i\in I} y_i \prod_{j\in I,j\ne i}\frac{X - e_j}{e_i - e_j} \end{align}
$A_I(X)$ can be computed in $O(\vert I \vert \log^2{\vert I \vert})$ time via a subproduct tree in $O(\vert I\vert\log^2{\vert I\vert})$ time5, as depicted below (for $\vert I \vert = 8$). The computation proceeds downwards, in the direction of the arrows, with the $(X-e_i)$ monomials being computed first.
Each node in the subproduct tree multiplies the polynomials stored in its two children nodes. This way, the root polynomial will be exactly $A_I(X)$. If FFT-based multiplication is used, the time to compute a subproduct tree of size $n$ is:
T(n) &= 2T(n/2) + O(n\log{n})\\
&= O(n\log^2{n})
Observation 1: I believe computing $A_I(X)$ faster for arbitrary points $e_i$ is not possible, but I would be happy to be contradicted!
Observation 2: In practice, the algorithms for computing $R_I(X)$ and $A_I(X)$ efficiently would require FFT-based techniques for polynomial division and multiplication, and FFTs are fastest when the finite field $\Zp$ is endowed with $d$th roots of unity for sufficiently high $d$, on the order of the degrees of $R_I(X)$ and $A_I(X)$.
Verifying a batch proof
The verifier who has the commitment $c$, the evaluations $(e_i, y_i)_{i\in I}$ and a batch proof $\pi_I=g^{q_I(\tau)}$ can verify them as follows.
- First, he interpolates the accumulator polynomial \(A_I(X)=\prod_{i\in I} (X-e_i)\) as discussed above. Then, commits to in $O(\vert I \vert)$ time: \begin{align} a &= g^{A_I(\tau)} \end{align}
- Second, he interpolates $R_I(X)$ s.t. $R_I(e_i)=y_i,\forall i \in I$ as discussed above. Then, commits to in $O(\vert I \vert)$ time: \begin{align} r &= g^{R_I(\tau)} \end{align}
- Third, he checks Equation \ref{eq:batch-proof-rel} holds at $X=\tau$ using two pairings: $e(c / r, g) = e(\pi_I, a)$.
Note that:
e(g^{\phi(\tau)} / g^{R_I(\tau)}, g) &= e(g^{q_I(\tau)}, g^{A_I(\tau)})\Leftrightarrow\\
e(g^{\phi(\tau) - R_I(\tau)}, g) &= e(g,g)^{q_I(\tau) A_I(\tau)}\Leftrightarrow\\
\phi(\tau) - R_I(\tau) &= q_I(\tau) A_I(\tau)
Aggregation of proofs
For now, we discuss proof aggregation in a different blog post on building vector commitments (VCs) from KZG.
There are many cryptographic tools one can build using polynomial commitment schemes such as KZG.
Here’s a few we’ve blogged about in the past:
- Cryptographic accumulators
- Vector Commitments (VC) schemes with $O(\log{n})$-sized proofs or with $O(1)$-sized proofs
- Range proofs
Recently, Cohen et al.6 showed that an MPC ceremony for generating $g_1, g_1^\tau, \ldots, g_1^{\tau^q}$ “powers-of-$\tau$” tolerates bias and so does not need a final random beacon contribution.
Many thanks to Shravan Srinivasan and Philipp Jovanovic for really helping improve this post.
Polynomial commitments, by Kate, Aniket and Zaverucha, Gregory M and Goldberg, Ian, 2010, [URL] ↩
Secure Sampling of Public Parameters for Succinct Zero Knowledge Proofs, by E. Ben-Sasson and A. Chiesa and M. Green and E. Tromer and M. Virza, in 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2015 ↩
A Multi-party Protocol for Constructing the Public Parameters of the Pinocchio zk-SNARK, by Bowe, Sean and Gabizon, Ariel and Green, Matthew D., in Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 2019 ↩
Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model, by Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon and Ian Miers, 2017, [URL] ↩
Fast polynomial evaluation and interpolation, by von zur Gathen, Joachim and Gerhard, Jurgen, in Modern Computer Algebra, 2013 ↩ ↩2
Guaranteed Output in $O(\sqrt{n})$ Rounds for Round-Robin Sampling Protocols, by Ran Cohen and Jack Doerner and Yashvanth Kondi and abhi shelat, in Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/257, 2022, [URL] ↩