In this post, we describe a strawman threshold signature construction by Baird et al.1 which produces unique signatures. In their paper, Baird et al. modify this construction into a (non-unique) multiverse threshold signature scheme.
We assume familiarity with:
The idea
The Baird et al. strawman1 follows a very simple idea.
Each player $i\in[n]$ locally picks their secret key $\sk_i$ and computes their public key as $\pk_i = g^{\sk_i}$. Then, the SKs of a set of $n$ players can be used to define a degree-$(n-1)$ polynomial $f(X)$ as follows: \begin{align} f(i) &= \sk_i,\forall i \in[n] \end{align} To create a $t$-out-of-$n$ threshold signature scheme, the players can collaborate (in an MPC/DKG-like fashion), to publicly-reveal $n-t$ evaluations of this polynomials. This effectively reduces the degree of the polynomial to be $t-1$.
Open question: Can this protocol for publicly-revealing the $n-t$ evaluations can be instantiated any more efficiently than a DKG?
Specifically, the players use (some) DKG-like protocol to reveal: \begin{align} \mathsf{evals} = \left(f(-1), f(-2),\ldots,f(-(n-t))\right) \end{align} The secret key of the resulting $t$-out-of-$n$ threshold signature scheme is defined as: \begin{align} \sk = f(0) \end{align} The associated PK consists of the publicly-revealed evaluations and, of course, $g^{f(0)}$: \begin{align} \pk = (\mathsf{evals}, g^\sk) = \left(\mathsf{evals}, g^{f(0)}\right) = \left(\mathsf{evals}, \prod_{i\in[n]} \pk_i\right) \end{align} To assemble a threshold signature on a message $m$, each player $i$ reveals their signature share $H(m)^{\sk_i}$. Then, any aggregator who has $\pk$ and $t$ signature shares, can interpolate the unique threshold signature $H(m)^{f(0)}$ from (1) the signature shares and (2) the publicly-reveled evaluations in $\pk$.
We give more details below.
The construction
Below, we formally give the Baird et al. strawman1.
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{KeyGen}(1^\lambda) \rightarrow (\sk, \pk)$:
- $\sk\randget\Zp$
- $\pk \gets g^\sk$
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{DistKeyGen}(t, (\sk_i, \pk_i)_{i\in[n]}) \rightarrow (\sk, \pk)$:
- Let $\ell_i = \prod_{j\in [n], j\ne i} \frac{0 - j}{i - j}$ be the Lagrange coefficients w.r.t. to $[n]$
- Let $f(X) = \sum_{i\in[n]} \ell_i \sk_i$ be a polynomial such that $f(i) = \sk_i$
- Let $\sk \gets f(0)$
- Let $\pk \gets (g^\sk, f(-1), f(-2), \ldots, f(-(n-t))$
The $\mathsf{Sig.DistKeyGen}$ algorithm is run by the players in an MPC fashion such that it outputs the $\pk$ of the threshold signature scheme yet no one learns the $\sk$.
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{ShareSign}(\sk_i, m) \rightarrow \sigma_i$:
- $\sigma_i \gets H(m)^{\sk_i}$
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{ShareVer}(\pk_i, m, \sigma_i) \rightarrow \{0,1\}$:
- Return $e(\sigma_i, g) \equals e(H(m), \pk_i)$
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{Aggregate}(\pk, m, (\sigma_i)_{i\in T}) \rightarrow \sigma$:
- Assert $|T| \ge t$ and $T \subseteq [n]$.
- Let $P = \{-1, -2,\ldots, -(n-t)\}$ denote the publicly-revealed evaluation points in $\pk$
- Let $\ell_i = \prod_{j\in P\cup T, j\ne i} \frac{0 - j}{i - j}$ be the Lagrange coefficients w.r.t. to $P\cup T$
- Let $(\cdot, f(-1), f(-2), \ldots, f(-(n-t)) \gets \pk$
- $\sigma \gets \prod_{i\in T} \sigma_i^{\ell_i} \prod_{i\in P} H(m)^{\ell_i f(i)}$
$\mathsf{Sig}$.$\mathsf{Verify}(\pk, m, \sigma) \rightarrow \{0,1\}$:
- Return $e(\sigma, g) \equals e(H(m), \pk)$
This is a very nice scheme, but it has a few problems:
- It is unclear how to efficiently reveal the evaluations in $\mathsf{evals}$
- It is not secure in the multiverse setting (see how [BGJ+23]1 fixes it)