NP relations


tl;dr: An NP relation $R(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w})$ is a formalization of an algorithm $R$ that verifies a solution $\mathbf{w}$ to a problem $\mathbf{x}$ (in time $\poly(|\mathbf{x}|+|\mathbf{w}|)$. For example, $\mathsf{Sudoku}(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w})$ verifies if $\mathbf{w}$ is a valid solution to the Sudoku puzzle $\mathbf{x}$. NP relations are extremely helpful when formalizing zero-knowledge proofs as a way of “proving knowledge of a witness $\mathbf{w}$ such that $R(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w}) = 1$ for a public statement $\mathbf{x}$”.

$ $

$ \def\stmt{\mathbf{x}} \def\witn{\mathbf{w}} % \def\prk{\mathsf{prk}} \def\vk{\mathsf{vk}} \def\td{\mathsf{td}} % \def\zkpSetup{\mathsf{ZKP}.\mathsf{Setup}} \def\zkpProve{\mathsf{ZKP}.\mathsf{Prove}} \def\zkpVerify{\mathsf{ZKP}.\mathsf{Verify}} \def\zkpSim{\mathsf{ZKP}.\mathsf{Sim}} $

What is an NP relation?

An NP relation $R(\stmt; \witn)$ is a deterministic algorithm that runs in polynomial time in the length of the statement $\stmt$ and the witness $\witn$ and outputs either 0 or 1, based on custom checks it performs on $\stmt$ or $\witn$.

NP relations are a useful mathematical formalization of hard problems ($\stmt$) whose solutions ($\witn$) are easy to verify (i.e., in polynomial time).

We often denote $R(\stmt;\witn) = 1$ as $(\stmt, \witn)\in R$.



$\mathsf{Factors}(n; p, q)$ is an NP relation that checks if $n$ factors into prime factors $p$ and $q$: i.e., it outputs 1 if $n,p,q\in \mathbb{N}^*$ and $n=pq$ and $p\ne 1$ and $q\ne 1$, or outputs 0 otherwise.

\begin{align*} \mathsf{Factors}(n; p, q) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } n, p, q \in \mathbb{N}^*, p \ne 1, q \ne 1, \text{ and } n = pq \\
0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*}

For a sufficiently large composite number $n$, it is very hard to find its factors $p$ and $q$. In fact, there is no known polynomial-time algorithm (in the bit-length of $n$) for this problem. In this sense, factoring perfectly illustrates the “hard-to-solve-but-easy-to-verify” nature of NP relations.

Merkle tree membership

$\mathsf{IsMember}(r, v_i; i, \pi)$ is an NP relation that outputs 1 if the Merkle proof $\pi$ correctly attests that $v_i$ is the value of the $i$th leaf in the Merkle tree with root hash $r$. Otherwise, it outputs 0.

Note that a zero-knowledge proof for this relation would allow the prover to hide the position $i$ of the leaf and its Merkle proof $\pi$, while convincing the verifier that the value $v_i$ is (somewhere) in the tree. This can be very useful. For example, anonymous payment schemes like Zcash are built on top of such a relation!

Merkle proof aggregation

$\mathsf{AreMembers}\left(r, \{v_j\}_{j \in [n]}; (i_j, \pi_j)_{j\in [n]}\right)$ is an NP relation that outputs 1 if, for all $j\in[n]$, the Merkle proof $\pi_j$ correctly attests that $v_j$ is the value of the $i_j$th leaf in the Merkle tree with root hash $r$. Otherwise, it outputs 0.

A succinct (not necessarily zero-knowledge) proof for this relation would allow the prover to “compress” the $n$ proofs $\pi_j$ for the $n$ values. For an example of such a succinct proof when the Merkle tree is algebraic, see our Hyperproofs paper.