Polynomial differentiation tricks


tl;dr: This post describes some useful differentiation tricks when dealing with polynomials in cryptography.

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  • Let $\F$ denote a finite field that admits an $n$th primitive root of unity $\omega$.
  • We use “Lagrange basis” or “FFT basis” to refer to the representation of a polynomial $p(X)$ as its evaluations $p(\omega^0),p(\omega^1),\ldots,p(\omega^{n-1})$ at all the $n$th roots of unity.

Interpolating $f(X)/g(X)$ in Lagrange basis

In cryptosystems, we are often tasked with interpolating a polynomial $h(X) = f(X)/g(X)$ in the Lagrange basis (i.e., with computing all $h(\omega^i)$’s and doing an inverse FFT). Unfortunately, sometimes we get stuck because: \begin{align} g(\omega^i) &= 0,\forall i\in[0,n) \end{align} …which would give $h(\omega^i) = f(\omega^i) / g(\omega^i) = f(\omega^i)/0$, which is undefined.

This situation arises in Groth16’s computation of its quotient polynomial $h(X)$. There, even the denominator $f$ is zero at all $\omega^i$’s.

The following theorem can (sometimes) be applied to compute $h(\omega^i) = f’(\omega^i)/g’(\omega^i)$, where $f’$ and $g’$ are the derivatives:

$\forall f,g,h\in \F[X],\forall u\in \F$, if $f(X) = g(X)h(X)$ and $g(u) = 0$, then $f’(u) = g’(u) h(u)$, where $f’$ and $g’$ are the formal derivatives of $f$ and $g$, respectively.

Proof: Begin by differentiating $f(X)$: \begin{align} f’(X) &= \left(g(X)h(X)\right)’\\
&= g’(X)h(X) + g(X)h’(X) \end{align} Next, evaluate the above expression at $u$: \begin{align} f’(u) &= g’(u)h(u) + \underbrace{g(u)}_{\ =\ 0}h’(u)\Leftrightarrow\\
f’(u) &= g’(u)h(u) \end{align}

Note: I say the theorem can be applied sometimes because $g’$ may still have a root at $u$, in which case you may have to repeatedly apply the theorem on $f’,g’,h$.

Such differentiation tricks are useful in many settings: Lagrange coefficients for threshold crypto1. Log derivatives2. Lagrange polynomials for VCs3$^,$4. Faster pre-computation of all KZG proofs5.


For cited works, see below 👇👇

  1. Towards Scalable Threshold Cryptosystems, by Alin Tomescu and Robert Chen and Yiming Zheng and Ittai Abraham and Benny Pinkas and Guy Golan Gueta and Srinivas Devadas, in IEEE S\&P’20, 2020 

  2. Multivariate lookups based on logarithmic derivatives, by Ulrich Haböck, in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/1530, 2022, [URL] 

  3. Kate commitments from the Lagrange basis without FFTs, by Justin Drake, 2020, [URL] 

  4. Aggregatable Subvector Commitments for Stateless Cryptocurrencies, by Tomescu, Alin and Abraham, Ittai and Buterin, Vitalik and Drake, Justin and Feist, Dankrad and Khovratovich, Dmitry, in Security and Cryptography for Networks, 2020 

  5. Improved Polynomial Division in Cryptography, by Kostas Kryptos Chalkias and Charanjit Jutla and Jonas Lindstrom and Varun Madathil and Arnab Roy, in Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1279, 2024, [URL]