tl;dr: Groth16 is one of the most popular general-purpose zkSNARK schemes.
Although Groth16 is slower to prove than more recent zkSNARKs, it has the smallest proof size and the fastest verification time.
This probably explains why it has seen such wide adoption in the cryptocurrency space.
(Recently, WHIR[^ACFY24e] could hope to challenge its ve...
Polynomial differentiation tricks
tl;dr: This post describes some useful differentiation tricks when dealing with polynomials in cryptography.
Quadratic Arithmetic Programs (QAPs) and Rank-1 Constraint Systems (R1CS)
tl;dr: A quadratic arithmetic program (QAP), a Rank-1 Constraint System (R1CS), and an NP relation are equivalent ways of representing a hard problem (or computation) whose solution can be verified in polynomial-time.
In particular, R1CS is just a reformulation of QAPs as linear equations and, these days, it is used widely when formalizing compu...
(Defining) zero-knowledge proofs
tl;dr: A zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) system for an NP relation $R$ allows a prover, who has a statement $\mathbf{x}$ and a witness $\mathbf{w}$ to convince a verifier, who only has the statement $\mathbf{x}$, that $R(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w}) = 1$.
Importantly, the proof leaks nothing about the secret witness $\mathbf{w}$.
(e.g., a ZKP can be used...
NP relations
tl;dr: An NP relation $R(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w})$ is a formalization of an algorithm $R$ that verifies a solution $\mathbf{w}$ to a problem $\mathbf{x}$ (in time $\poly(|\mathbf{x}|+|\mathbf{w}|)$.
For example, $\mathsf{Sudoku}(\mathbf{x}; \mathbf{w})$ verifies if $\mathbf{w}$ is a valid solution to the Sudoku puzzle $\mathbf{x}$.
NP relations a...
Basics of linear algebra
tl;dr: We cover a few basic linear algebra concepts: vectors, matrices, matrix-vector products, vector dot products, Haddamard products, etc.
BBS+ signatures
Do you want to sign (committed) field elements without relying on random oracles?
Do you want to efficiently prove (in zero-knowledge) relations over your signed messages?
BBS+ is here to help you!
The BBS+ signature scheme is a transformation[^ASM08e] of the the Boneh-Boyen-Shacham (BBS) group signature scheme[^BBS04] into a standalone...
How should a blockchain keep a secret?
tl;dr: I was at the Next-Generation Secure Distributed Computing seminar at Schloss Dagstuhl and spoke about how a blockchain should keep a secret.
43 post articles, 6 pages.