
How to give (and make) a presentation

These are my notes from a quick workshop at Stony Brook University given by Professor Michael Bender and Professor Rob Johnson in May 2012. How to make the presentation Prefix competitive If you had one slide, make your presentation. If you had two slides, extend your 1 slide presentation. 1 slide -> 2 slides -> 3 slides. Quick...

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How to encrypt a file using AES in 256-bit CBC/CTR mode using OpenSSL in C

I’ve been using OpenSSL a LOT for work lately and I’ve learned some interesting stuff. Here’s a quick guide on how to encrypt and decrypt files using AES in CBC or CTR mode using 256 bit keys and 128 bits IVs. To do this, I used the EVP API in OpenSSL, which allows you to easily encrypt a file using any cipher of your liking. I am assuming so...

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